Monday, October 4, 2010

Episode 1 Notes part 1

After watching Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, here are a few notes as well a link for a script to the film.

This website was the best I could find, but I will try to find a more accurate/official script or screenplay to the film. This one didn't have any horrible mistakes as far as I could tell.

And the notes:

1. When Anakin first meets Padme the first words he says are, "Are you an angel?" He is immediately attracted to her and it really fits the bill of 'love at first sight.' This is further emphasized in Episode 2 by many instances such as him admitting that he had thought of her every day since the last time he had seen her. This scene will lead me to look into classic, 'love at first sight' instances in litterature and possibly make comparisons to American views on the subject.

2. Obi-Wan's reaction to Qui-gon's death brings up the idea of the love between a mentor and apprentice. This will further be explored between Obi-Wan and Anakin in Episodes 2 and 3 as well as between Obi-Wan and Luke in Episode 4 and even Yoda and Luke in Episodes 4 and 5.

3. In a comical way, as is often the case with Jar-Jar, we get a view into national pride and love for ones own culture. It is only briefly touched on but one funny moment in which Jar-Jar seemingly betrays his culture is when Qui-Gon's group is searching for the Gungans to ask for help, they stumble upon an abandoned Gungan city and this transpires:

Do you think they have been taken to

More likely they were wiped out.

No... mesa no tink so. Gungan hiden.
When in trouble, go to sacred place.
Mackineeks no find them dare.

Do you know where they are?


The GROUP follows JAR JAR as he moves through the swamp. JAR
JAR stops and sniffs the air. The GROUP stop behind him.

Dissen it.

Even though it is a "sacred place" Jar-Jar so quickly takes the group to it.