Monday, September 27, 2010

Love In Star Wars

This blog will be focusing on love within the Star Wars universe. For simplicities sake I will only be using the original six movies as my sources for this research. I will update this blog from time to time with updates on thought, what I've done, what I'm going to do and really anything that comes to my mind. I'm sure that sometimes I will go off topic and begin ranting about other Star Wars related things, but I will try to keep that down to a minimum. Feel free to post comments or ask question. If you need more clarity on things please let me know as sometimes, with all I know about Star Wars, it's easy to forget that some people might not know these things. So if I gloss over something that isn't common knowledge, let me know so I can expand upon it.
Now let's watch some Star Wars and have some fun.
Maye the Force be with me.